
Marriage certificate issued by the court

Marriage certificate issued by the court

July 1957, the sun parched the land of China, also released numerous baked with a poisoned arrow to the party and those right and the ghosts and monsters.
In this juncture, Bacillus thuringiensis as a rumor that they had been right, even the whole town will be the Castle Xiangyun key targets for attack. Ya, in order not to hurt the wife of white, to save a pair of children's political fate, frank discussions with his wife Su Li for her remarriage. Bai Ya can not decide to return to her family, and after the family to discuss countermeasures. After the family had also heard of a serious crime does Bacillus thuringiensis, will Shouyan Cheng, let white-Ya Su Li's views agreed with Su Li organized a divorce certificate.
Soon, white Ya was introduced, with the poor peasant in a village in the neighboring provinces of young married profit longevity, jumping into the rice from the chaff basket basket, from the muddy water into the water.
Ya bring a pair of white children, step-father to change the Soviet Union from the surplus, but also children of poor peasants have become the ringing.
Suli decided Huochu a life, a person to bear all their crimes. Anyhow, have a genetically related Su, even though a change of surname, but the blood will not change.
Suli that pulled off a major event, a loose atmosphere.
However, the world of big, no wonders, knowing that Su Li will be right, may be life-long suffering, migraine has a girl come to seize the opportunity to find their own path to the Bacillus thuringiensis their love.
People are good at miracles, but this girl to create a stunning miracle, which was extremely rare in China. Bacillus thuringiensis is very clear mind, and immediately decided on the principles: rejection.
A "refusal" and against "reject" the difficult negotiations in the two age is not a good fit between people started.
Yu Zhen uninvited guest, the head start:
- Su, I come to your house, how can you not call me to sit?
- Wanted to say hello, but I'm afraid tarnish your reputation, so not only do not tell you to sit, but advise you to get back to.
- I chosen to take it?
- I just advise you, did not catch you. You know not? I want to become right, and going to hell, you can not stick to my side, for fear they put you right into the whole. You really have to sit, you sit it! However, sitting far away, okay?
- (Sit down, move the chair around Su Li, the two face to face) Su, please forgive me, starting today, I do not call you Sue teacher.
- What is it called?
- Called Bacillus thuringiensis.
- Why?
- I saw your uncle there, the material I got from your man, Ya know you do not hurt the white sister, a care center, and white has become a fact ya sister remarried, so I came. Tiger hill is called knowledge, undeterred. However, I did not come to Tiger, I'm stay with Tiger. You say you go to hell, and I just stay with you go to hell.
- Was accompanied hell, how tragic that! However, since you know my personality, each doing things every man, never hurt the people, how can incriminate you?
- I it is willing, the truth is take advantage of.
- (Surprise) take advantage of?
- If you did not remarry White Ya Sister, I just would like to join, it can only aspire to the impossible it!
- You have this strange idea of how long?
- Shallow faint memory, from what I read one of your hands that semester. Determined to
tell you, I know women from ya sister has remarried the day beginning.
- Well, Rome was not built in a day, fun fun. However, your idea is unrealistic.

Conspiracy of love

Conspiracy of love

Deep summer comes hot on the streets, pedestrians sickly, were listless. He saw her, she was yelling shouting "thief", looked at her pale Huarong panicked look, he suddenly startled, sudden cardiac helplessness that suddenly the United States, I do not know where to ascend a share the impulse to protect her, chest Immediately the lofty pride, indignation, walked quickly toward the criminals, Juquan hit, heinous criminals on his back waving drew a blood-red wound, that blood flow and then to Yin Yin down. She was scared, crying: "I do not want the package, fast stop!" His clinging to criminals do not let go, even play with a kick gangsters angrily, seeing a lot of people watching over, can not help but anxiously, the package Ru to his hands, fiercely: "You kind of, Kuaifang Kai!" followed by a knife to his back, he let go of negative hurt his hand, criminals take the opportunity to escape.
He handed her the bag, hey laugh, rubbing his hands from time to time, legs, back and forth before and after the shake involuntarily, is like a shy boy. She saw him not natural, therefore, mouth a sip, smiled slightly. The laughs, such as flowers are blooming, spring water, such as microwave, such as Ruoliu Fufeng, see the boy can not help but stay for.
He is a bumpkin, just under the school soon, is a name without a mass of wage earners.
She is the door lady, virtuous and dignified, is the daughter of the boss. He called the boat, she called Lan flowers.
If only a simple practical version of the hero to save the United States, if nothing more, then embrace the identity of the poor flowers and boating, and can not be given rise to more spark, and that the rich and the poor young lady's love story will not in their body.
One day, football to spend with friends, play happy, and sometimes lose track of time, and so want to go home, it is already one o'clock. Out the hotel door, went straight to her father had sent her car to him.
The door opened, and a tall boy from the car jumped out, opened the door politely, lean Gongyao, one hand on the back, hand reach, and said respectfully to spend on football: "Miss, please get on the train!" get to spend carefully looked at the boy: "Yeah, how are you boating?" boat shy replied: "Yes I am, I was rafting, madam, I'm the boss hired a new driver. "
Along the way, the two portraits, like old friends after a long absence, to talk about surprised and very happy. This time, be sure to wrap her tender and beautiful flower boat looked in the rearview mirror, she secretly thought.
Maybe somewhere, everything is set number, perhaps the fate of God in particular to those who have persistent people. Also some fate, some love, how do you hide are not immune, especially if someone is deliberately creating a beautiful encounter.
The lives of the rich, always inseparable from debauchery, sensual pleasures. Boating date for Valentine's boss, carrying the boss went to a different social situations, or even several days and nights of the car carrying the boss to sign the contract. Boating cute, simple country folk, should look not to say on the matter should not know, never not interested in performance, so much the driver of effective sensible boss trusted him. Hangs in the company took any accounting also trust him.
When nothing and takes a boat to take often called to play around the city, walking down the street, random nature, unrestrained, we all feel very happy. Rafting on the football take a careful and very considerate, positive youth football ignorant gradually fell in love with boating actually spent.

Town and country folk

Town and country folk

Old Ai relatives received a telephone early in the morning, said today, killing pigs at home, so he must be the last to eat pork. Looking out the window the old Ai swirling snow, I thought: miles to catch a mouth to sing, as children at home and turbid water! Answer: "The, too cold, do not want to move, I do not passed on when I eat." "Cars is also quite easy, but let me pick you up ah?" Anxious relatives. "Three forty miles way, then what then, it wants me to." Old Ai leave the phone began to dress up. Country men do not go out wordy that dress just changed it a fashionable clothes. Unlike the city man, and tie, and shoeshine. A pair of casual shoes to be comfortable non-slip, however, wearing finished, he picked up a line started for wearing a hat, was robbed wife number one to: "have been very handsome person, it looked like a worn out old hat soil ! "" Originally I was not wearing the earth ... ...! "the old AI is very obedient and out of the door, the light went over his head to the road.
Northwest winds mixed with the feather-like snow blowing, really quite cold. Old Ai involuntarily covered his ears with both hands, said to himself: "playful self-inflicted exposure to cold!"
Really lucky, coming on the road to a mini-mini, apart from anything else, the old Ai got a wave.
Two rows of the car ride, he saw two men on the front seat back of the head. Two people chatter busy nibbling. Could see two people from the side of age and identity, a sixty years old, and the other fifty-down, not much bigger than themselves. Skin delicate, high-end clothing, a look that is both city people. Old and middle-aged man they called it. Just listen to the middle-aged man on the old man said: "Country living standards improved, the quality is too low, the total can not escape vulgar children. I have a country cousin, what years are, the city not used to using potty, specifically to look for public toilets. say what could not understand city people pull Wo Wo urine, and sitting on it will not come out. Ha ha! very interesting. "" is very interesting! "old man convulsed with laughter, echoing said: "Over the past confrontation and more interesting, so you heard a nibbling? called:" Country people into the city, wearing a velvet times, wearing cloth shoes, hemp rope waist tie, bring their own dry food, equipment One got one bottle, no toilets, Garak on the line. Country people can be different from the past now, "the not so old man finished, middle-aged man interrupted him:" Up to what time they can not change the soil Xing Weier. "" Do not say, rustic and simple, kind, warm, on them there are many advantages, ah! "Exclaims the old man continued. Middle-aged man for the country people see the old man spoke in was very embarrassed, bowed his head, not words. Has been sitting in the back, listening to the dialogue of the old city man two Ai, from the mirror middle-aged man he saw that big white face, and I'm hateful, and quickly turned to look out the window, the white piece of heaven and earth, it looks so beautiful scenery.